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Valuing People

August 1, 2022

By valuing people an organization’s delivery system becomes an empowering one.

People quite literally, should be the centerpiece of the organizations’ systems and resources.

In one sense, it’s true, people are the organization. Without people there can be no organizational performance.

Standing by themselves; resources, including facilities, equipment, and capital resources are of little value. Good leaders make effective use of all their resources, including human resources through continuous performance evaluation, including customer satisfaction. Service Quality, benefits the whole organization while bringing added value to the customers it serves.                                                                                               

With the velocity of change in organizations paying attention to the importance of people oriented values is critical.

Within business services, experience has taught seasoned managers that most change should be evolutionary and almost never revolutionary. The popular notion flowing from inexperienced managers, inevitably urges rapid changes as a daily prerequisite for organizational survival. Newly minted managers make a fatal mistake by wanting radical changes, which usually creates a harsh and unstable environment for staff.

Changes that impact dedicated front line supervisors without they’re direct involvement, courts disaster for the unwary CEO.

Servicing popular quality product lines matters. Having the best products available with a team committed to quality, makes health organizations unbeatable.

And our products are not really about technology; it’s not data, it’s not anything physical – it’s people service first. Our users really don’t care about what suppliers sell us, they only care about what we have that can help them. Our focus has always been to explain how we can improve their lives – give them the tools to be happy, healthy, and unshackle them from the chains of red tape.

World Class organizations have gained their reputation simply because of strict adherence to quality, respect for staff and the unswerving production of high quality services. These factors combined with competitive prices are the keys to success.

By valuing people a team oriented operation will become self-sustaining.